Boral Dingo Project – Northern Grassland Reserve

Shakira Todd Field Coordinator
Currently we are discussing a project at Boral Northern Grassland Reserve. We are aiming to reintroduce Dingo Canis into the grassland to increase biodiversity and naturally act as a 24/7 natural pest management towards feral mesopredators such as foxes and cats and to suppress herbivore competition of the European rabbit.
I have recently delivered a presentation to Boral executives and they are looking forward to being involved in this innovative project.
This project is intended to create awareness on the effects of 1080 Poison bait and to offer alternative methods of suppressing feral animals. The Australian Dingo foundation (Toolernvale, VIC) are on board to invest their pure bread Dingoes, but together we are aiming to deliver public education on the importance of the Dingo in our ecosystem as Australia’s apex predator to create a sustainable ecosystem for Australia’s wildlife.