Efficacy of steam weed management on Mother of Millions (Bryophyllum species), Singapore Daisy (Sphagneticola trilobata) and Butterfly Heaven (Dyschoriste depresssa)

Mother of Millions (Bryophyllum species) and Singapore Daisy (Sphagneticola trilobata) are both significant weeds in NSW (RBG&DT 2013) and Queensland, with the potential to be a significant weed in Victoria due to their ability to rapidly spread. Dyschoriste or Butterfly Heaven (Dyschoriste depressa) is an emerging environmental weed in Queensland (CHAH 2010) that has spread at an alarming rate in the last 20 years across Brisbane. Mother of Millions is also toxic to livestock, and potentially in large enough doses to humans and pets. All these weeds are challenging to control as the smallest cutting can regrow and/or herbicides have been found to have limited effect.

This paper explores the efficacy of saturated steam weed management on Mother of Millions, Singapore Daisy and Dyschoriste across a variety of environments. Saturated steam weed management has been found to have varying degrees of success depending on the soil structure i.e. mulched or sandy sites. In some cases, the weeds are effectively eradicated with one treatment and in other cases require multiple treatments with saturated steam. In the case of Dyschoriste, saturated steam has been demonstrated in the field to be the most effective treatment method. Some of the coastal sites in NSW were severely impacted by the 2019-2020 Black Summer Fires and these impacts on weeds, spread and saturated steam weed management will be covered. This paper also explores factors to improve success rates. 

Cited case studies include urban bush regeneration sites in Brisbane, coastal sites at Moreton Bay in Queensland; and wetland sites at Byron Bay and coastal sites at Wallabi Point in NSW. 

Keywords: SatuSteamTM, Chemical Free, Organic, Holistic Weed Control, Integrated Weed Management.

Click on the link below for a copy of an extract of the paper.

KAGUPPY, TSHELLEY draft paper 20210707 extract pp1-4

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