Aus Eco Solutions are experts at handling native wildlife relocation.
This is often important in environmental work, as some of the services we offer have the potential to flush wildlife out of hiding. When this happens, native wildlife is not disturbed where possible, but sometimes it is necessary to move native wildlife, for the safety of the animal or the crew working on the site.
Aus Eco Solutions staff have DEWLP permits to relocate native animals from one area to another region to be protected. This is quite helpful when it comes to native wildlife found in built-up areas or unsafe locations.
We have also participated in large-scale relocation’s of native fauna, in particular, the Striped Legless Lizard, (Delma impar). Aus Eco Solutions staff were part of a project that trans-located dozens of the endangered Striped Legless Lizard from an area about to be developed, relocating them to a nearby protected grassland where they will be able to live safely.
For more information regarding native wildlife relocation or surveying, contact us and ask for one of our experienced Field Coordinators to discuss relocation in more detail.